Saturday, July 18, 2009


I swear, this is going to be my next tattoo! Okay, not really, but it has crossed my mind! And if you don't already know, I have 9 tattoos now, so one more is not out of the question. I didn't think I would get on my "No Smoking" soapbox this early in bloghood, but something I saw today brought it to the front of my mind.

First, let me say that I grew up in a home with a smoker. My Dad. After I moved out, it was all I could do to visit for long periods of time because of the smell and the way it made my contacts feel like I had plastic saucers in my eyes! Thankfully, my Dad finally realized what the risk of smoking was doing to him and how it affected his family, and around January of 1992 he quit! Cold Turkey! Ironically, 10 months later he dropped dead of a massive heart attack. Now, we always joke that if Dad knew he was going to die, he probably would have smoked a carton a day! I miss him every day, but I am thankful for the short period of time where he put his family before his addiction and QUIT SMOKING! Thanks, Dad! I love you!

Okay, on to my story for today:

I am driving home and get stopped for a red light. In front of me is a gentleman (loosely using this term) who is SMOKING! However, he is holding his cigarette outside of his car through his very slightly cracked window. After he takes his much needed puff, he blows the smoke OUTSIDE THE CAR! So, I ask you people, if you smoke, why in the world if you don't want the smoke to be in the car with you - THE PERSON WHO IS SMOKING - why, oh why, do those of us who don't smoke want you to blow it OUTSIDE INTO THE AIR??????

In the city where I live, smoking is not permitted in restaurants. The city ordinance also calls for smokers to stand 25 FEET FROM THE ENTRANCE while smoking. However, this rule is never obeyed. It is even posted on most restaurant doors, but I am beginning to think that smokers just don't know how to read. That must be the answer. Surely, if they could read, they would read the warning label that says "SMOKING CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH". Restaurants aren't the only place that smokers tend to loiter at the doors. It happens at the entrance to Wal-mart, K-mart, Kohls and the mall, too!

So, can you tell that I am ANTI-SMOKING???? I mean, really, we all have our addictions and our vices. I know that. However, mine are not hazardous to anyone else's health, well-being or wallet. I could write a whole book about this subject, but who wants to read THAT?

So, I beg of you, if you smoke, please be courteous to those around you who choose not to smoke and stand away from the entrances that everyone - smokers and non-smokers alike - have to use. And if you are a smoker and already use "good smoker's manners", thank you from the bottom of my heart! I hope your example will rub off on others!

As always, I am open to comments. Until next time......

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