Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I didn't know THAT!

I have been in Disney for the last 4 days and learned a few things I did not know. I thought I would share them with you! (lucky, you are!)

  • I didn't know you could wear SKIN TIGHT, white, see through pants with a blue thong. But, you can!
  • I didn't know you could wear RED AND WHITE CHECKERED pants with bright ORANGE, patent leather flip-flops. But, you can!
  • I didn't know that you could put your two children, under the age of 10, who speak no English, in line for a ride that they are not tall enough to be on alone. But, you can! So, when the ride attendant tries to tell them they can't ride, they stare at her like she is from Mars.
  • I learned that even at the Happiest Place On Earth, you are not always Happy!
  • I learned that compared to SOME children, my children really ARE angels!
  • I learned that there are a lot more people who should NOT have children than there are people who SHOULD!
  • I didn't know that if you don't speak English (or at least pretend you don't), you can skip all 100 people waiting in line and go straight to the front! But, you can!
  • I didn't know that if ONE person in your family needs scooter or wheelchair assistance, ALL 50 of you get to the front of the line! But, you do!
  • I learned that hearing your child squeal with laughter makes your whole body SMILE!
  • I learned that jogging in Downtown Disney at Midnight beats jogging at home any day!
  • I learned that a SCOOP of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream at Disney is equal to a PINT at home, but the calories don't count!!! (I promise!)
  • I learned that when I grow up, I want to live at Disney!
  • I learned that if you get a make-over at the Bibbity Bobbity Bootique, your hairstyle will last FOUR days! Well worth the $60!
  • I learned that if you get a make-over at the Bibbity Bobbity Bootique, the GLITTER in your new, $60 hairstyle will last FOUR months!!
  • I learned that when your husband kisses one of the Hoop-dee-doo cast members (because it was part of the show), your kids think he is "cheating" on you!
  • And finally, I learned that no matter how many vacations I take at Disney, I will always want to go back! It truly is the Happiest Place On Earth!! And I can't wait to go again!

So, have you been to Disney? Let me hear what YOU learned! Maybe you learned some of the same things I did. Or maybe you learned something different! Drop me a note! Until next time...


  1. We love the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique!!! And the glitter they use is truly lasts for months! A few weeks after we got home, we would even find glitter in Sawyer's hair just from Brennan hugging her.
    LOVE the people watching at Disney. It always makes me feel better about myself. HAHA

  2. I've always wanted to go.....never have. I see I'm missing out, especially now that I know I can wear my flourescent orange flip flops with my red & white checkered pants! LOL!!!!!

  3. Buttercup,

    You NEED to go! It truly is an amazing place and it will make you feel like a kid in a candy store! People watching is only some of the fun that you will have!

  4. Actually, I just got back from my Disney trip(: It kind of makes me mad when there is a family with ONE person in a scooter/wheelchair and the WHOLE family gets to cut the whole line..... also, Disney truly is the most magical place on Earth!! Did ya'll get the joy of using Disney's Magical Express?
