Friday, April 2, 2010

A Parent's Love

I first intended to write about the ache in my heart that is being caused by my daughter's own aching heart. Let me clarify. She is 9 and in the third grade. I think 3rd grade stinks! Especially for girls. Girls are mean! My daughter can be mean, too (I am not blind, deaf or dumb). However, she is struggling with friendships, feeling left out, feeling made fun of and unworthy. So, naturally, as her mother, my heart aches (actually is in agony) for her. I know it is a phase. I know it will pass. But, still, I ache.

Fast forward to this morning - Friday, April 2, 2010. Good Friday. As I was pondering over the trials of my child, I remembered that today signifies the ultimate heartache of a parent - our Father, God in Heaven! His ONLY son, born into the flesh so we - SINNERS - could receive forgiveness for which we have done nothing to deserve!

I CAN NOT imagine the intensity of heartache that God feels when we fail Him (as I do every day that I am alive). That He has already sacrificed His only son for ME - FOR YOU!! So that WE could live eternally in his awesome kingdom!

And I ask myself, after ALL that HE has done for ME, what am I doing for HIM? Wow! What a cold dose of reality! Because, you see, I am not perfect. And He loves me ANYWAY. Even though I am not always nice. I am not always faithful. I am not always loving. I am not always fruitful. Even though.....He still loves me. ME! And YOU!

Please remember that when, as parents, our hearts ache for our children, it pales in comparison to the ache that our Lord felt - and still feels - for us - HIS CHILDREN! He was crucified, AND RESURRECTED, for each of us and the gift of His love and eternal life is free - if you ask for it!

So, as I remember what this time of year signifies in my life, I will also trust in Jesus to take care of my child - who is also His child, because He knows her heart, her pain, her fears - and He can - and will - take those on for her (and me) because that is what a Father does!

Isaiah 53:5 - "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."

Until next time, May you be blessed.......


  1. Just now reading this, Stacey....and, wow, just what I needed to hear! This year has been absolutely terrible for both of my girls, and my heart hurts constantly for them. But, you are so right about the pain our God feels for us and because of us. And you are so right about trusting Him to care for our children...HIS children. Thanks for the reminder!!
